Note on Express

Exress is a web application framework for Nde

send funtion of express converts Objects and Arrays to JSON.

using get function to help route, with a argument of relative path and a callback.

could use res.redirect function to move a route to another, with 301 can route it paramently

Middleware: functions executed sequentially that access request and response

calling next() after response causes errors

using app.use(express.static(‘dirName’)) to access to static files

dynamic routes, app.get(‘/dir/:name’,function(req,res){});

Extract duplication with app.param, get param from app.params and do the pre-condition

express can take multiple handlers in as arguments and call them sequentially

sendStatus can help more than status, sets both the status code and the response body

using express.router to create a router instance, helping clean the code.

using exports module to constuct the routing part of code.

var router = require('dir/routeName');